Sunset Hill Neighborhood Association (SHNA) has been active since 1992, and formally organized in 2003. SHNA is governed by bylaws (pdf), revised in 2016, and bound by a mission statement which is:
“SHNA, whose concerns include but are not limited to safety, beautification, residential character and integrity of the area.”
The first construction in Sunset Hill started in the early 1950s, and continued through the 80s and 90s. The boundaries (established by the City of Lawrence) are 6th Street, 9th Street, 15th Street (Bob Billings Pkwy) and Kasold Drive. SHNA members meet formally once a year in mid-April, and informally at a Potluck in mid September.
The SHNA Executive Committee
The property and business of SHNA is managed by the Executive Committee (EC), consisting of nine regular members elected by the general membership, plus any ex officio members. The EC meets quarterly to conduct SHNA business, and before each annual general membership meeting. The EC recommends and executes the plans and policies of Sunset Hill Neighborhood Association. The 2023-2024 members are:
- Bill Arick, member
- Jon Dunham, member
- James Jordan, Treasurer
- David Mucci, member
- Mariana Nieto, member
- Chris & Betsy Ostrander, member
- Matthew Paul, Vice President
- Jeanne Pees, past president, ex officio member
- Gary Webber, President
- John White, Secretary
If an SHNA member would like to bring any issue or presentation to the Executive Committee, please email the president at The president will add your item to the agenda of the next scheduled meeting and invite you to the meeting.
SHNA Officers
The officers of SHNA are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They are elected by the Executive Committee at a special meeting held immediately after the annual membership meeting. Officers serve for three years, or until the election of their successors. Officer duties include:
- President: The President has the usual power and authority vested in the office of the President of an unincorporated association, and executes the plans and policies of SHNA. He or she also performs such other duties as the Executive Committee may prescribe.
- Vice President: The Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President, performs the duties and exercise the powers of the President and performs such other duties as the Executive Committee may direct.
- Secretary: The Secretary attends all sessions of the Executive Committee and all meetings of SHNA and records all votes and the minutes of the proceedings. He/she or the President gives notice of all meetings of the members and of the Executive Committee, and performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Committee or by the President.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer has general custody of the funds of SHNA, keeps full and accurate books belonging to SHNA, and deposits all moneys in the name and to the credit of SHNA in such manner and in such depositories as designated by the Executive Committee. He or she causes the funds of SHNA to be distributed as designated by the Executive Committee, and see that proper vouchers cover all disbursements. He or she renders to the Executive Committee at its meetings, or whenever the Executive Committee may require, a proper account and statement showing the financial condition of SHNA. *
*See the Bylaws for a full description of the functioning of the Executive Committee and the Officers.