EC Meeting Minutes – Winter 2024

SHNA Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2024, 6:30 pm
Via Zoom

Meeting Minutes

In attendance Jon Dunham, James Jordan, David Mucci, Mariana Nieto, Chris Ostrander, Matthew Paul, Gary Webber, John White

       I.          Approve minutes of fall meeting, Nov. 13, 2023. Minutes approved by acclamation.

     II.          Treasurer’s Report, Jordan reported $850.79 at last meeting.  Received $40 in dues. Paid LAN dues and Joanie Stone.  Current balance $815.79. So far 8 renewals – $40, $30 dollars applause award, LAN Dues.

    III.          Old Business, Webber

1.     LAN update: Webber reported that LAN discussions for the quarter included Licensing & Inspection, Air BNB’s, See-Click-Fix/New Re-Imagined, A Place For Everyone-Unhoused People, and Rep for Downtown Transit Steering Committee. Presentations included:

                                                    i.     November: Treni Prescott presentation and discussion of code enforcement and rental licensing.

                                                   ii.     December: Cori Wallace presentations on See-Click-Fix and “A Place for Everyone.”

                                                 iii.     January: Selected representative for Downtown Transit Location Steering Committee and discussed code enforcement and rental licensing and enforcement.

2.     Recruiting one additional EC member and secretary for 2024: Webber reminded participants that they should be recruiting a new EC member and recruiting a secretary. We currently have 8 members and should look for 1 more – annual meeting might be fruitful for additional member. The Secretary position is open.

3.     Discuss Christ Covenant Church as venue for fall potluck: CCC is an option for our fall picnic.  The Fellowship Hall will seat about 40 and can be used to serve food.  We are already supporting CCC with a $50 annual donation to use the Fellowship Hall 1-2 times per year, so no additional expenditure required. John Lawrence, Pastor, contacted by Webber. September 21 possibly. Webber will work on reserving a date. Nieto suggested we add “something fun” and budget friendly.

   IV.          New Business

1.     Discuss agenda of Annual Meeting on April 22, 2024.

                                                    i.     Discuss logistics: Webber asked if Ostrander could bring his sound system as a backup to the cafeteria system. 

                                                   ii.     Finalize new officer slate and 1 new EC member: Webber and Paul will continue as Pres. and VP, Jordan will take over as Treasurer, ?????? will serve as Secretary. The EC elects 2024-2025 officers in May.

                                                 iii.     James Chiselom, Executive Director of Lawrence Community Shelter has expressed interest in speaking. Chisolm will attend Annual Meeting to talk about LCS & housing issues. Webber will contact and invite.

                                                 iv.     Additional ideas for speakers?

2.     Set date for May EC Meeting: Webber recommended Monday evening, May 20, 2024.

3.     Set date and reserve venue for September Potluck: Webber suggested Saturday or Sunday, Sept. 21 or 22.  KU football is away on Sept. 21. Webber will work with Lawrence to reserve the CCC Fellowship Hall.

4.     Donation to Community Mercantile Education Fund: Webber suggested $50.  Approved by acclamation.

     V.          New agenda items from participants

1.     Nieto asked about rumors of a Sam’s Club on west Sixth St. Some members had heard similar, but nothing concrete. Nieto commented on left turns into the Merc causing backups and dangerous traffic. Webber stated he has receive emails with a similar complaint. Webber will talk to Merc about this.

2.     Jordan asked about timing of traffic signals. Webber replied that the arterial signals were are on a 2-minute cycle, but that that can seem like a long time, and can vary with traffic demands.

   VI.          Set date and time for spring meeting in late May: Monday, May 20, 2024

 VII.          Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.