EC Meeting Minutes – Spring 2024

SHNA Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2024, 6:30 pm
Via Zoom

Draft Meeting Minutes

       I.          Tonda Hill is running for District Attorney of Douglas County and wanted a chance to speak with us.  She has strong criminal law experience, and currently works in Kansas City. Worked at CLO in Lawrence as an undergrad. She asked for our vote.

     II.          Update on Polaris Missile in Centennial Park: Joe Douglas reported that this was a weapon of mass destruction and should not be displayed in a park. Webber asked how the EC could help.  Douglas asked for an email poll of members.  Marianna suggested an article in the newsletter to educate members on the issue. Webber stated he thought we would have a better case if we knew the history of the shell, a rough cost for removal, and if the city is willing to entertain this proposal. Douglas will submit an article for the newsletter, Webber will make an appointment to speak with the city.

    III.          Discussed applying for Neighborhood Traffic Management Project: Webber reported that someone will need to submit an statement of intent to the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program and collect statements of support for a Crestline project.  He reported that Mike Malone plans to apply and does not see a reason to submit a second application.  SHNA could participate by distributing requests to submit statements of support for Malone’s proposal. Malone stated that Crestline had become a major street, and speed bumps might be a problem. Vicky and Joe Douglas have advocated for a 4-way stop at Orchard and Crestline. Webber asked, and Malone agreed to send Webber a copy of the statement of intent.  Webber will share with the EC.  SHNA will provide their MailChimp list to solicit statements of support.

   IV.          Approve minutes of fall meeting, Feb. 12, 2023. Approved by acclamation.

     V.          Treasurer’s Report, James Jordan: Balance as of 5/13/24. $949.62. Currently 76 members. 78% of 2023.

   VI.          Old Business

1.     LAN update:

                                                    i.     Feb: Discuss Code Enforcement and Rental Licensing.

                                                   ii.     March: Presentation: Cori Wallace, City of Lawrence, Director of Communications & Community Relations, SeeClickFix report and A Place for Everyone update.

                                                 iii.     April: Presentation: Brad Finkeldei, Land Development Steering Committee report.

2.     Discuss Christ Covenant Church as venue for fall potluck, September 21, 2024: John Lawrence has reserved the Fellowship Hall for us. We will meet there for the August EC meeting. Nieto expressed support for potluck, as did Paul.  We will host a potluck at CCC.

 VII.          New Business

1.     Elect officers for 2024-2025:

                                                    i.     Gary Webber, President

                                                   ii.      Matthew Paul, Vice-President

                                                 iii.     James Jordan, Treasurer

                                                 iv.     Joanie Stone, Secretary

Nieto nominated the slate, Dunham seconded, approved unanimously.

2.     Discuss appointing David Mucci to one-year term on EC due to Webber error: Stone moved to appoint Mucci for one year. Jordan seconded, passed unanimously.

3.     Discuss starting new business membership campaign: tabled

4.     Discuss replacing Park Cleanup Manager, Phyllis Farrar, starting 2025: Webber will write a newsletter article asking for a volunteer. Stone suggested cub scouts, high school National Honors Society as a source of volunteers.

5.     Discuss replacing SHNA President, starting 2025: Webber would like to retire in the next year or two.

VIII.          New agenda items from participants

1.     Paul asked if Webber received replies from newsletter requests. Webber stated he had received 2 corrections, and some thanks, but no one had ever volunteered for a SHNA position from a newsletter article.

2.     Paul asked if Webber planned to continue as LAN representative, and about bylaws. Webber said he did not plan to continue as LAN representative, and that Paul could take my place if he was interested. Webber nominated Matthew Paul as LAN representative. Dunham seconded.  Passed by acclamation.

   IX.          Set date for August 2024 EC Meeting: August 19, 2024, 6:30 PM, Christ Covenant Church.

     X.          Adjourn meeting at 8:00 PM.