EC Meeting Minutes – Summer 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019, 6:00 pm
Fellowship Hall, Christ Covenant Church
2312 Harvard Rd

Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Faye Hale, Dillon Heter, Brad Kempf (West Middle School), Betsy Ostrander, Steve Ozark, Matthew Paul (Vice President), Jeanne Pees, Erin Schmidt (Habitat for Humanity), Gary Webber (President), John White (Secretary), Erika Zimmerman (Habitat for Humanity)

  1. Presentations
    1. Traffic on Crestline after school (Kempf): Brad Kempf, Principal of West Middle School. Gary discussed Safe Routes to Schools week, regarding 3 additional sidewalks being built as a result of program. Brad reported HVAC replacement and “punch list completion” are nearly complete. Also, West has received a KAN “Promising Practices” Award, 1 of 3 middle schools to receive these. Activities & athletics have increased, which may help reduce the rush at 3:00 p.m. Tips to Kids, communication to parents, open house discussion. They are trying to get traffic moving “east to west” and stay off the hill on Crestline. Webber suggested that West MS encourage kids to walk and ride bikes to school, and consider Yale for possible pick up point. Hale mentioned that the parking lot exit and Yale crosswalk is a congested location. Rectangular beacon at Yale crosswalk a possibility. Hale suggested dividing the student body into “release groups”. Neighborhood association will do everything we can to help alleviate the problem of cars stopping for pick up on Crestline. Webber suggested we see how parents react during the first semester, and go from there.
    2. Aging in Place presentation (Ozark, Zimmerman, and Schmidt): Community Development Block Grant funds are available to SHNA. Steve Ozark introduced Habitat for Humanity. They work to increase affordability of housing in Lawrence. CDBG federal funds are shrinking. Habitat would like to pilot a program in Sunset Hills Neighborhood to make CDBG funds available to low-to-moderate income homeowners over 55. Home repair for seniors is a growing need identified by communities. Participants must be a homeowner, 55 years or older, income criteria 0-80% of median income. The program addresses houses with exterior environmental or structural problems. “Sweat equity”, hours by borrower (as identified by ability) are required. Future goal would be interior assistance for eligible participants. Participants pay for materials (based on income). Option for payment plan for participants. On average participants currently at 40% of median income. $5,000 to $10,000 is generally the grant funds available.  Habitat proposes a grant submission with SHNA & HFH ($50,000?), administered by HFH. HFH also interested in continued partnership with SHNA. Gary & Erika will visit with Dani Walters at CDBG.
  2. Approve May 28 EC minutes: Paul moved; Gary seconded to receive/approve minutes. Passed.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Report unavailable, defer to December meeting.
  4. Old Business
    1. LAN update (Webber): Review of LAN update June- August 2019
    2. Web Site report (Paul): The Web site is in good shape. 
    3. Ludlum Park Toddler Playground (All): Things are happening in Ludlam Park. Approximately $40,000 has been earmarked for a toddler playground in Ludlam Park. Gary & Matthew have reviewed the site, located on the west side of the park. Equipment has been ordered and when P&R has the staff, they will move forward with construction.
  5. New Business
    1. Consider appointing Dillon Heter to fill Eliza’s Darmon’s at-large EC position. The term expires 5/1/2021. Dillon is from Hiawatha, East Coast experience, returned to Lawrence three years ago. Lives at Meadowbrook. Worked on the Paul Davis campaign, got involved with community, “Douglas County Democrats”, etc. Interested in the “nitty gritty” of communities. 3 Year term, 1.5 years remaining (April 2021) on Eliza’s term. Gary will add this to the December meeting agenda where a vote to will be taken to appoint Dillon.
    2. Transit Hub Location (Pees): Director of Transit has taken a job in Topeka. This may delay the Transit Hub. Gary reported that much remains to be done. He responded to Jeannie’s written questions about Transit Hub.  Gary will keep a watch on this and inform the EC when progress occurs.
    3. Group photo of EC for web site (Webber): Webber would like to take a new photo in December.
    4. Purchasing prepaid photocopies (Nieto): Gary e-mail Mariana to purchase copies.
    5. Next round of Welcome Packets (Garcia): Jesus – Gary will e-mail Jesus.
    6. New SRTS sidewalks in SH (Webber); Discussed by Gary during item 1.
    7. Venue and date for fall Executive Committee meeting (Dec. 10 in 2018): Pastor McDonald offered Christ Covenant Church as venue for future meetings. December 4th selected as date for fall meeting.
  6. New agenda items from participants
    1. CCC permanent meeting space?  We will discuss in December.
    2. Bank and “non-profit” proof needed. Webber is working with IRS to establish non-profit status for SHNA.
    3. Unity Church wants to rezone to Residential/Office from Residential in order to rent out office space.  City commission will consider this within the next couple of months.
    4. Electric Scooters discussion: Pees is concerned about e-scooters in the city.  The Transportation Commission has received two proposals, and is considering them.  This will eventually go to the City Commission.
  7. Adjourn meeting: at 7:43