EC Meeting Minutes – Winter 2020

SHNA Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, March 2, 2020, 6:30 pm
Fellowship Hall, Christ Covenant Church, 2312 Harvard Rd

Meeting Minutes

  1. In Attendance: Faye Hale, Dillon Heter, Gary Webber, John White, Chris Ostrander
  2. Approve December 4 EC minutes: Change Fay to Faye. Webber will revise.  Motion from White/Heter to accept minutes as amended.  Motion passed.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Webber reported $790.84 in bank, 143 members.
  4. Old Business
    1. NRPO letter processing: we processed these letters, Webber will post.
    2. LAN update (Webber): Webber updated the EC on LAN activities.
    3. Web Site report (Webber): Nothing to report.
    4. Discussion of returning EC members, new members, and new officers: Hale will not be returning, Paul will be returning, Webber will ask Merrill.
  5. New Business
    1. Accessory Dwelling Units in RS5 zoned areas: We received a request from Lis Goans, Sunset Hill Estates subdivision resident, to provide a letter supporting ADUs in RS5 districts.  We discussed the history of ADU zoning, effect on the neighborhood, and the contents of letter to Planning Commission.  Webber will write and send to EC.  Heter moved, Hale second to write a letter. Motion passed.
    2. Possible business letter in addition to or instead of NRPO letter: Possibly replace NRPO letter in 2022 to see if business membership is feasible.
    3. Discuss possible presentations for Annual Meeting (4/20/2020): Webber will arrange
      1. Brad Kempf to talk about West Middle School pick-up traffic
      2. Megan Poindexter from Senior Resource Center
      3. Steve Lashley about curbs and gutters
      4. Sarah Hartsig about SRTS
      5. Neighborhood Liaison LPD
    4. Discuss logistics for Annual Meeting
      1. Cookies: John and Dillon will bring cookies, Gary lemonade
      2. Minutes: John White will take minutes. 
      3. Membership applications and $: Dillon will accept money.
    5. Discuss logistics for Neighborhood Picnic
      1. Entrée: Webber will ask Paul about barbecue.
  6. New agenda items from participants
    1.  Next meeting, Wednesday, April 22, 6:30 pm, Christ Covenant.
    2.   Webber will contact Paul and Betsy Ostrander about Facebook group page and making Betsy the administrator.
  7. Adjourn meeting, 8:00 pm.