EC Meeting Minutes – Winter 2021

SHNA Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, February 15, 2021, 6:30 PM
Via Zoom Videoconference

Meeting Minutes

  1. Presentation by Adam Weigel, Transit & Parking Manager, on the status of the Lawrence Transit Multimodal Transfer Facility project, questions and discussion. Adam reviewed the history of the planning of the Transfer Facility, and the timetable for design and construction as well as route redesign. Website at He also reviewed Route Redesign study 1 and previewed the scope of work for study 2 and for transfer facility design. Adam also described possible downtown transfer area elements, including sawtooth bays and bike parking.
  2. Approve Dec. 8, 2020 minutes: Paul motion, Merrill second, approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Arick presented the treasurer’s report, available here. $1287.77 bank balance.
  4. Old Business
    1. LAN update (Webber): Webber reviewed recent discussions on development at Clinton Parkway and Crestline, and allocation of CDBG funds to neighborhood associations.
    2. Update on Centennial and Ludlam Parks: Cleanups went well, we will continue adoption of both parks.
  5. New Business
    1. Discussion of affordable housing in Sunset Hill: Ellenbecker suggested that the City address first time home buyers with classes on buying a home, subsidies, and other forms of support. She would like to have a citizen’s advocate on the city staff.  Merrill mentioned Tenants to Homeowners that might provide some of these functions.  Ellenbecker replied that there should be more publicity about these programs.  She mentioned a program in Boulder CO that supports first time home buyers.  This program helps with down payment. Paul suggested it is dangerous to generalize, but he sees the movement toward rental.  He mentioned that foreclosures are a good opportunity for homebuyers.
  6. New agenda items from participants
    1. Safer Speeds Campaign: Webber reported on distribution efforts.  Forty signs have been distributed.
    2. Membership Fees: Arick mentioned that our membership is down this year, and that we had planned to conduct a drive in September.
  7. Set date and time for winter meeting in early May 24, 6:30 pm
  8. Adjourn meeting, Merrill moved to adjourn, Arick second, passed by acclamation.